Saturday 20 March 2010


Memory hour will be a small segment about past videogames I miss and have good memories from playing. To kick things off, I'll begin with my fondest memory.

1992 was a big year, Bill Clinton was elected president by a landslide and Microsoft introduced 3.1 to the world, had we been following videogame timelines, this is also the year Carl "CJ" Johnson was fighting for territory in San Andreas and Neo City was invaded in Contra Force.

The 28th of October though, was the start of my new life. I had just turned four and after getting a few presents, my father came in with a huge package, almost as big as me. After a quick unwrapping, the words "SEGA MEGA DRIVE" (Named Genesis in the states), shone towards me and a blue hedgehog was giving me the peace-sign. Yes, it was my first console. I looked at it, saw that it was made for this strange phenomenon I'd heard of somewhere, a "Video-game". You could run around, jump, spin, all without leaving your couch. Excitement took over and I got really happy and then my mom asked "are you ready to go to day-care" and I answered "I don't wanna go to day-care, I wanna play games". I was born.

The only game that followed the Sega was Sonic the Hedgehog. The fastest hedgehog alive (which, when you think about it, is not a real big feat. They aren't that fast to begin with, are they? I've certainly never seen a hedgehog curling into a small ball and spinning around and co-oping with flying foxes with two tails) running around, smashing robots and thwarting the plans of the evil Dr. Robotnik (Or Eggman as he is originally named). Many an hour was spent on that game and on that Sega, it was my first console, and to this day, it still remains my favorite console. I'm sure my parents heavily regret buying me that console, the one that kicked it all off and turned me into the person I am today, but I would not have it any other way.

Cheers, Goten

Monday 8 March 2010

The Final Fantasy is a lie!

Tomorrow is the day where I once again, like 19 times before, will lock myself in and do nothing but play one game till utmost completion. Final Fantasy XIII (that's 13 for you roman-number naysayers!) is finally hitting the shelves, and after the slight disappointment that was FFXII (12, learn roman numbers!) I'm looking forward to a new, exciting game with no idea what it's about.

Because: I never follow news about movies or games I'm really looking forward to. I might see gametrailers on E3 coverage, but never seek out more. I've done this (or, not done this) ever since I almost had a disappointment-related heart-attack from the movie Spiderman 3. For months I sat in front of my computer, watching the trailers over and over again, reading news and discussing in forums, only to find that the actual movie sucked and left a bad taste in the mouth, even now, three years later.

So I have absolutely no idea what the game is gonna be about, how it's played or if it has classic-potential. But even if it is as horrible as the actual gameplay in Fracture (who I think we can all agree was just a pretty astounding physics engine with occasional bad fighting), I will play the hell out of it, just like every other FFgame, and I will add it to my collection, "The Decimated Ones" (well, maybe not Decimated, but "Friggin' completed"), just like all the other games in the on average, awesome series.

I also have to play the Crystal Bearers when I think about it... as soon as I'm done with 13.

cheers, Goten

Sunday 7 March 2010

Sega All-Star Racing

This friday, like many before it, I was at a mates place, trying out the new SEGA racing-game. Even though it acted like a Mario Kart clone and smelt heavily like lust for money, it was an entertaining game. I'm not saying that the game will jump in my collection anytime soon or anytime at all, but it was a decent timekiller you play at your friends house and maybe once more in the future.

Though the game played ok, and was certainly way better than I'd expected, there were still a few things that irked me.

1) My friend had gotten the 360version of the game and the main sellingplot there was that Banjo & Kazooie were exclusives to this version. Now.... I don't feel that's such a great sellpoint, and I hate when they give console-exclusive characters to games, like Yoda and Darth Vader in Soul Calibur 4, or Spawn, Link and Heihachi (which I still don't get! everyone knows Hworang is the best) in Soul Calibur 2 and not to mention the possibility to play as the Joker in Arkham Asylum for the PS3. But... come on, Banjo & Kazooie?! Yes, they are good characters, and their first game is on my top 30, but as an exclusive?! It doesn't make it acceptable that they are driving in a car you could make in Nuts & Bolts either...

2) What the hell is "Sega Miles" and why do they exist?

3) Even though I won a race or two, the game still counted that as a win to my friend... That's not nice at all!

4) How come AiAi is driving a car and not a motorized ball?

5) Shadow the Hedgehog.... c'mon, can't we all just agree that the real ending to his game was him being shot between the eyes and the developers coming on screen and apologizing for making us sitting through the whole damn game?

and, most importantly;

6) Why would they place Sonic in a car?! This is the fastest hedgehog alive! Why can't he just run?! Why does he have to have a blue little car that sucks when compared to say Ulala's floating iPad? Is it to make it so that not everyone chooses sonic, because if he were running he'd run around the course twice before the enemies came to the first pickups?
What's next? Superman flying coach? Batman taking the bus? Wolverine using band-aids?

Other than that, good game, but not something you wanna use your top bucks on.

Cheers, Goten

Monday 1 March 2010

Enter the Blogosphere!

Jada, alle gode ting er fem. Etter fire forskjellige blogger håper jeg at dette kan bli bloggen jeg holder meg til. Eneste problem er at jeg ikke aner om jeg skal skrive på norsk eller engelsk, for jeg føler at engelsk er bedre for å få fram det jeg vil fram til... anyways...

Dette blir en random gamer-blog, som dere alle sikkert har sett millioner av til nå, men jeg har ikke bedre å gjøre nå som jeg er arbeidsledig, så hvorfor ikke?

Mine tanker og meninger om spill kommer i neste innlegg, så til da;

cheers, Goten